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Tired of having to rewet a cloth to stay cool? Or need a towel that actually dries everything, without having to constantly wring it out or throw it in the dryer? Meet Koolin' Kloth - a discovery that even I have used to help me be more efficient with my dog grooming business. Koolin' Kloth is a one of a kind find that is perfect for a number of different uses like drying, staying cool in the heat, cooling down equipment, putting in your hat for all day head cooling, and so much more. Interested in reading more about all the ways you can use Koolin' Kloth? Check out our list below!


Koolin' Klothz Uses


  • Get it wet to make it work.
  • Keep it wet to keep it cool.
  • Wave it in the air to cool it.
  • Keeps drying as long as it is wet. Yes Drying! Just wring
    it out and dry some more.
  • Wildland firefighters use them to keep cool on the job.
  • Put the Koolin' Du on your head to keep your head cool &
    to absorb sweat.
  • Put the kloth across your lap in your vehicle to block the
    sun from your lap.
  • Use for First Aid: as a cool pack or to absorb blood ( it
    rinses clean)
  • Use the Koolin' Safety Blanket to cool overheated people
    or pets.
  • Take to ballgames to stay cool on the field or in the
    stands, esp. with the Koolin' Kap Inserts.
  • Take to the gym for working out and after showering.
  • Take camping, hiking and fishing.
  • Take to the swimming pool, lake or beach.
  • Use to soak up spills or messes.
  • Wash your vehicle inside and out.
  • Use Koolin' Klothz instead of terry cloth towels in the RV.
    They are great for vacation or travel whenever you have
    limited space.
  • Give one to a friend or graduate.
  • They work great for migraines! They cool the blood
    vessels on the back of the neck.
  • For anyone who works or plays in the heat!
  • Chefs or cooks in restaurants wear Koolin' Du for sweat
    absorption. Great for B-B-Q cookoffs too!
  • Dishwashers working over hot dishes
  • Yard work
  • Construction workers
  • Motorcycle and bicycle riders use them during and after
    the ride.